Watch Your Tone
Since you need to establish the tone of your book right from the start, I want to spend a little…
Since you need to establish the tone of your book right from the start, I want to spend a little…
Today’s guest post is by best-selling author and indie publisher Bob Mayer, who shares cutting-edge news about the digital explosion…
One thing I see a lot in manuscripts is two sequential events happening simultaneously. Authors often construct sentences like this:…
I covered scene beginnings and middles over the last few weeks, so let’s look at endings. Just like beginnings, endings…
An article by Bob Minzesheimer in a January issue of USA Today brought out some statistics about some of the novels on…
I see a lot of dangling participles. Okay, you are probably wondering just what the darn things are (so you…
I went into detail about scene beginnings last week, and I’ll be spending a bit more time on scene structure…
To continue with the exploration of success and motivation, I’ve asked a therapist to share some thoughts on this topic….
I think one of the more subtle problems in punctuation is understanding a coordinate adjective and when to use a…
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