Guest Blogging
I love having guest bloggers on Live Write Thrive. However, it’s important that you know what my blog is about and what types of posts I am looking for. Please don’t ask if I want to run a post on fitness or making coconut macaroons. I don’t write book reviews or feature products.
My blog is instructional, for writers. So please take some time to read through some of the posts in that section to get a feel for the content and style I’m looking for.
Your Guest Post Should Be Relevant: I’m looking for people who are either writers or have something to say that will encourage, help, or instruct writers in their writing journey. Most of my readers write fiction. There may be lurkers that write nonfiction, but a blog post on becoming a freelance magazine writer is not really going to fit. But if you’re a therapist and have a lot of great advice on how to handle failure, that would be useful to a writer. As well as some free therapy sessions. My readers appreciate useful, practical, helpful information that will help them become better writers and hang in there for the long haul.
Your Guest Post Should Be Well Written: I expect posts to demonstrate a good command of language, grammar, punctuation, organization, clarity, style, and tone. I don’t expect perfection, but you shouldn’t expect me to edit, rework, and clean up your post for free. I do that for a living, and it always behooves a guest poster to provide a nice, clean, error-free document.
Your Guest Post Should Be Unique and Reflect Your Personality: Try to write with a fresh perspective and speak from the heart. Posts that are only full of content or information that anyone can find online are not all that interesting.
Do not include links to any essay-writing services you may work for. Such services are unethical and can even promote plagiarism. If you feel you cannot submit a guest post without insisting your link to your company must be included, please don’t contact me (and know that most bloggers will feel similarly).
Before you send me a post, please contact me first with your idea.
Editorial Guidelines:
- I prefer meaty posts, not brief tidbits that don’t really have much to share. Aim for 800-1,200 words. Submit as an attached Word doc or doc.x.
- Include an author bio with your guest post as the last paragraph. You can and should have 2-4 links to your books, website, blog, social media, or wherever readers can find you and connect with you. Again, do not include links to any essay-writing services. I will remove them.
- Attach a jpeg headshot. Better you pick the one you like than have me search online and choose that one you think is yucky.
- Please provide an original post. If you want to take a great post you’ve written and tweak it a bit to be just right for my readership, that’s perfectly fine. Once it’s on my blog, if you want to repost it somewhere else, you must credit the original post on my blog and provide a link back to it.
I reserve the right to make changes to your post so that it’s a better fit for my blog and audience. I usually don’t change much, if anything. I can bet you I will find at least one or two copy errors that need fixing. I’ll come up with an image for the post, so you don’t need to do that. I will delete any links to websites that promote products or services and that aren’t your personal website or blog.
I’m grateful you want to be a guest on Live Write Thrive! Note, though, that I accept only one post a year from a guest poster, so once your post runs, wait a year to contact me about another post, thanks.
So bring it on! I usually book out a few months, so keep that in mind. I really appreciate you wanting to share your thoughts and expertise with my readers!
~ Susanne

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