5 Editors Tackle the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing
$5.99Don’t fall victim to the fatal flaws of fiction writing! Learn how to recognize the dozen deadly pitfalls and gain skills to correct them to avoid novel failure.
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Don’t fall victim to the fatal flaws of fiction writing! Learn how to recognize the dozen deadly pitfalls and gain skills to correct them to avoid novel failure.
In today’s busy world, it’s hard to carve out time to write even one book a year. But if you want to be a super-productive successful writer, you’ll need to keep publishing books to grow your reader base. There’s a surefire way to becoming a super-productive writer, and it’s as simple as ABC.
By studying best-selling novels’ first pages, you will learn how to craft a perfect first page—one that immerses your readers into your story without delay. The insights you gain from studying these first-page analyses will serve you well with every page you write.
Layering is the most intuitive and effective method for successfully plotting a novel. “I loved this book. If the idea of outlining repulses you, give Layer Your Novel a peek. It’ll make you a better storyteller.” – Jerry Jenkins
Finally! A grammar guide specifically designed for fiction writers! This handy, user-friendly reference book is a must for any writer serious about honing their craft.
Want to write a riveting novel? Shoot Your Novel takes an in-depth look at cinematic technique for fiction writers. No other writing craft book teaches you the secret of how to “show, don’t tell.”
Take the mystery out of building a solid story and learn you how to go from idea to complete novel in practical, easy-to-understand steps. With this comprehensive workbook, you have a step-by-step blueprint to take your novel idea and build a strong, lasting story (print only).
To build a solid story, you have to build strong pillars! Learn how to craft a novel from idea to completion in practical, easy-to-understand steps.
Do you feel driven to share what you’ve gone through and the insights you’ve learned in life? Do you long to tell your story but don’t know where to start? The Memoir Workbook will show you, step by step, all you need to know to tell a powerful and well-written memoir.
If you want to draw readers into your stories and move them emotionally, you’ll need to delve into the heart of your plot, characters, and themes. This book will show you how.
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